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Addressing the labiomental crease

Article-Addressing the labiomental crease

The labiomental crease isn’t an aging concern that patients typically complain about to their cosmetic surgeons, yet it’s likely an area that’s contributing greatly to overall facial aging concerns, according to plastic surgeon Sheila C. Barbarino, M.D., who practices in Hermosa Beach, Calif., and Austin, Texas.

“[The labiomental crease is] an area that is vastly overlooked by patients and practitioners that can make such a difference in a patient’s overall youthful appearance,” says Dr. Barbarino, who presented “Labiomental Crease Correction With Filler: How Much of a Difference Can It Make?” yesterday at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery’s (AACS’s) 2017 annual scientific meeting in San Diego, Calif. “It is our job as their doctors to know what will help our patients look their best. Correcting the labiomental crease with fillers can take years off their appearance.”

It simply hasn’t occurred to most patients that filling the labiomental crease could enhance not only the area but facial rejuvenation, in general. Dr. Barbarino corrects the labiomental crease with fillers, by injecting them deeply and superficially, directly into the crease. “I used calcium hydroxyapatite in my study [which was presented at the meeting], but you could use any filler to do this,” she says.

Physicians should use this approach in patients who have deep labiomental creases to improve the overall appearance of the lower third of the face, including the chin and lower lip areas. It’s part of a combination approach for addressing the aging face, according to the plastic surgeon. “If you are trying to improve your patient’s lower third of the face along with their marionette lines and jowls, you will have a more global improvement on the area by filling this crease,” Dr. Barbarino says.

Disclosure: Dr. Barbarino reports no related conflicts.

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